The Master it includes compulsory “core” courses, compulsory “specialization” courses and “elective” courses. The courses and their distribution per semester are presented as follows:

First semester of studies:      

In the 1st semester, all students attend the following 5 compulsory “core” courses:

  • Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality and Travel (6 ECTS)
  • Management in Tourism Businesses (6 ECTS)
  • Research Methodologies (6 ECTS)
  • Tourism Marketing & Management of Experiences (6 ECTS)
  • Tourism Entrepreneurship & Innovation (6 ECTS)

Second semester of studies:

The 2nd semester is a composition of compulsory “core” courses, compulsory “specialization” courses and “elective” courses. All students must attend the following two “core” courses:

  • Policy and Strategy of Tourism Businesses & Organizations (6 ECTS)
  • Information Systems- New Technologies and E-commerce in Tourism (6 ECTS)

Students of the “Hotel & Travel Management” specialization are required to attend the following two courses:

  • Hospitality Services (6 ECTS)
  • Airline & Travel Management (6 ECTS)

Also, students of the same specialization choose one of the following “elective” courses:

  • E-Systems & Distribution Channels in Tourism (6 ECTS)
  • Investment Studies and Financing in Tourism (6 ECTS)

Students of the “Tourism Destination Marketing & Management” specialization must attend the following two courses:

  • Sustainable Tourism Policy & Development (6 ECTS)
  • Management & Marketing of Tourist Destinations (6 ECTS)

Also, students of the same specialization choose one of the following “elective” courses:

  • E-Systems & Distribution Channels in Tourism (6 ECTS)
  • Investment Studies and Financing in Tourism (6 ECTS)

Students of the “Management of Special Interest Tourism” specialization must attend the following two courses:

  • Cultural Heritage Tourism (6 ECTS)
  • Thematic Forms of Tourism (6 ECTS)

Also, students of the same specialization choose one of the following “elective” courses:

  • E-Systems & Distribution Channels in Tourism (6 ECTS)
  • Investment Studies and Financing in Tourism (6 ECTS)

By decisions of the bodies, the course program can be modified and the courses can be redistributed between semesters.

You can download the detailed outlines of all courses in electronic format here.

Third semester of studies:

The 3rd semester is reserved for the preparation of a Dissertation by the students. The topic of each student’s Master’s Dissertation must be integrated into the broader subject of the “Specialization” chosen by the student.

The Dissertation Preparation Guide is available here.

Innovation and flexibility of the curriculum:

The courses offered at the Master aim to provide the maximum possible completeness of knowledge to its graduates in order for them to occupy positions of responsibility, and their intended learning outcomes aim to provide businesses and tourism operators (whose spectrum covers a large percentage of the country’s produced GDP) opportunity to become pioneers in the ever-evolving environment of the global and national tourism industry.

To ensure the adequacy of the scope and depth of the Program to ensure its learning outcomes and to ensure the correspondence of the Master’s Degree and its content to the latest developments in science and practice in the tourism industry, and taking into account the international experience from a similar A.E.I. abroad, the 3 aforementioned Specializations are developed in the structure of the study program, in order to anticipate new trends in time and to exploit them for the benefit of the expected tourism development.

The 3 Specializations were developed with main axes:

     a) the globality of knowledge, and

     b) the continuous interaction of the factors that make up the modern tourist phenomenon. The graduates must know on the one hand how to achieve better results in their area of responsibility, but must also know the possible interactions that their decisions will have in other areas of the tourism activity (e.g., natural, social or cultural environment). Therefore, the development of an expanded network of knowledge is required, in the field of economy, environment, culture, transport, administration, and new technologies. Furthermore, the 3 Specializations offer the students a very high flexibility of choices as well as the possibility of adjusting the Program to their personal needs and requirements. Consequently, the flexibility of this study program is one of its main features, offering the possibility of continuous adaptation to the changing global conditions of the tourism industry on the one hand, and adaptability to the needs of students on the other.