The Master operates with the legal administrative bodies which are:
a) the Master’s Director: Evangelos Christou (Professor)
b) the Coordination Committee of the Master: Evangelos Christou, Chrysoula Chatzigeorgiou, Spyridon Avdimiotis, Ioanna Simeli, Antonios Giannnopoulos
c) the Evaluation and Quality Assurance Manager of the Master: Tania Kapiki, in cooperation with the Internal Evaluation Team of the Department of Organization Management, Marketing and Tourism
d) the Assembly of the Department of Organization Management, Marketing and Tourism of the International Hellenic University
Head of the Secretariat: Panagiotis Papageorgiou
Head of the Technical Services: Ioanna Simeli The Coordinating Committee of the Master consists of five permanent members of the Department of Organization Management, Marketing & Tourism, who are appointed by the Assembly of the Department with a two-year renewable term. The Coordinating Committee is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the operation of the Master. The Assembly of the Department appoints the Director of Postgraduate Studies, who is also the President of the Coordinating Committee, for a two-year renewable term.